CS Executive Tax Laws MCQs Set-8-NEET Chemistry MCQS -NEET Chemistry MCQS -NEET MCQ Question -NEET(BIOLOGY) -NEET Chemistry MCQS -NEET Chemistry MCQS /NEET Biology MCQS Mock Test Paper 3 Sample Test,Sample questions

 A green manure is

1. Maize

2. Rice



72 generations of Drosophila were kept in darkness by a scientist. Despite that, the first flies possessed eyes that were normal. This disapproves the theory of

1. Acquired characters

2. Synthetic theory

3. Natural selection

4. use and disuse

Acquired characteristics of Lamarck are not inherited and have an evolutionary value. Who gave this statement?

1. Weismann

2.Hugo de Vries

3.TH Morgan

4.Charles Darwin

An example of industrial melanism is

1. Mutation

2.Neo Darwinism

3. Neo Lamarckism

4.Natural selection

 Appropriate use of cow dung is made in

1. medicine



4. building/construction material

 Azolla is used as a biofertilizer as it possesses

1.humus in large quantities

2. rhizobium



 For paddy, the best fertilizer is

1.Bacillus polymyxa

2. Bacillus megaterium

3.Azolla pinnata

4.Rhizobium meliloti

 In children, this disease is caused due to excess nitrate fertilizers usage


2. jaundice

3. septicemia


 Inverted omega shaped organization of the vascular bundles is seen in

1.cycas root

2. cycas stem

3.cycas leaflet

4.ctclas rachis

 Most likely, people who perform tough manual work can develop

1. thick epidermis on their palms

2. thick subcutaneous fat in their palms

3.greater quantity of melanin all over the body

4.greater number of sweat pores in their hands

 Pyrethrin is obtained from

1. Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium

2.Azadirachta indica

3.Urtica dioica

4.Tagetes erecta

 Who stated this theory – organ in use will develop and if not used will weaken to turn vestigial


2.De Vries

3. Darwin


Burning of fossil fuels

1.increased oxygen level

2.increases greenhouse gases

3.decreases greenhouse gases

4. increased ethane level

CFC have a continuing effect on ozone layer as

1. they are efficiently absorbed by atmospheric water vapours

2. they are being produced in increasing amounts all over the world

3.Cl atoms formed by them are used up in reactions causing degradation of ozone

4.Cl atoms formed by them only act as catalysts in reactions causing degradation of ozone

Composited manure is formed from

1. farm and household refuse

2.animal refuse and rotted vegetable

3.organic wastes from where biogas extraction takes place

4. green and farmyard manure

Correct descending order of relative contribution of various greenhouse gases to total global warming is

1.carbon dioxide; methane; CFCs; nitrous oxide

2. carbon dioxide; methane; nitrous oxide; CFCs

3.carbon dioxide; CFCs; nitrous oxide; methane

4. carbon dioxide; CFCs; methane; nitrous oxide

Gas molecules absorbing thermal infrared radiation and present in large quantity to change the climate system is known as

1.ozone gases

2.beta radiations

3.alpha radiations

4.greenhouse gases

Germplasm theory against Lamarck’s principle was put forward by

1. Darwin

2. Lamarck


4.Hugo de Vries

Green manure plants are

1. Poaceae




Greenhouse gases present in very high quantity is

1. ethane

2.carbon dioxide



In gymnosperms, the ovules typically are

1. bitegmic and anatropous

2. bitegmic and orthotropous

3.unitegmic and orthotropous

4.unitegmic and anatropous

In Lamarck’s view, the key of organic evolution is that each progeny

1.shows struggle for existence

2. characters acquired by parental generation are inherited

3.is similar to its parents

4.phylogeny is repeated in its ontogeny

Mainly, Ozonosphere is depleted by


2.excess CO2


4.excess CO

Normal greenhouse effect is essential for sustenance of life on Earth as it has raised the surface temperature of earth by

1. 15 ℃

2. 33 ℃

3. –18 ℃

4.50 ℃

Phanerograms without the ovaries are


2. pteridophytes


4.all the above

Relative contribution of various greenhouse gases to total global warming will not be

1.CFCs – 14%

2. N2O – 12%

3.Carbon dioxide – 60%

4.Methane – 20%

Scientists regarded as Neo Lamarckists are

1.Correns, Hugo de Vries and Tschermak

2.August Weismann and T.H Morgan

3.Hardy Weinberg

4.Kammerer and Mc Dougall

Tallest known gymnosperm is





The idea of use and disuse of organs was given by


2. Morgan


4.Hugo de Vries

The one which is not considered as naturally occurring greenhouse gas is



3.carbon dioxide

4.nitrous oxide

These are features of higher energy level and shorter wavelengths

1.infrared radiation

2.alpha radiation

3.beta radiation

4.ultraviolet radiation

This chemical fertilizer is essential for better rhizobial nitrogen fixation




4. phosphorus

This is a most popular example of Lamarck



3.African Giraffe

4. Both (b) and (c)

This is not a possible adverse effect of global warming

1. sea level rise

2. an increase of UVB radiation

3.retreat of glaciers

4. extraordinary weather patterns

This is not included in organic farming

1.crop rotation

2.chemical fertilizer

3.green manures

4. compost and farmyard manures

This is the most potent greenhouse gas in terms of efficiency


2. CFC



This process is functional in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

1. lightning


3.burning of fossil fuels


This statement is false about greenhouse effect

1.life on earth is possible due to greenhouse effect

2.greenhouse effect is a natural process that maintains earth’s temperature

3.increased emission of greenhouse gases is a natural process

4.increased emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases earth’s temperature

Though Cycas has an embryo with two cotyledons, it is not grouped under dicotyledonous plants, as:

1.resembles a palm tree

2. has megasporophyll

3. ovules are naked

4.possesses compound leaves

Wavelength of infrared radiations is



3. infinite



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